Pastor John – Oct. 27

Looking Back

The first word in the book of Malachi is “burden.” Malachi is heavy because God’s heart is heavy and the things He says in this book are weighty indeed. If you haven’t been with us (or if you haven’t been paying attention), this is what we’ve heard:
In chapter 1, God expressed His feelings concerning His people’s cynical, proud, sarcastic, insubordinate, ungrateful, apathetic hearts. God is hurt that His love has been met with their contempt. They have shown their feelings for Him by the defiled quality of their worship. What does our worship show about our feelings for Him?

Letter from Pastor John – Oct. 20

Looking Back

So, I take it it’s Pastor Appreciation Month. You guys really need to relax as it pertains to the Jickas. We have been showered with love since February 3, 2019 when we came and entered into this arranged marriage. I feel like this has been a match made in Heaven too. I hope you still do. Let the honeymoon continue!!! 
When is congregation appreciation month? You guys should have a protest or something. Just don’t go on strike!!!
I am the worst about sending cards and there are a lot of you, so let me just tell you here some of the things I appreciate about you. There is a great commandment and another that is “like unto it” and you exemplify both. You demonstrate love for God and love for your neighbor. You are sympathetic to the hurting. You desire to grow. You love the Lord’s Word. You worship with your hearts. You have a great tolerance for discomfort (bathrooms!). You like to have fun. You turn up to work. You like being together. You are patient with children and pastors who are slow to understand things. You are generous. You are great at hospitality. You are understanding. You are gifted and smart. You have been courageous and have overcome your insecurities. You invite friends, family, and random people to come. You are honest. You make me want to be a better 
pastor. My little family really digs our new church family! 

Letter from Pastor John – Oct. 13

Looking Back

I feel like I should confess the sin of ingratitude. God has done SO SO MUCH in such a short time. Remember with me and praise God for the Kelley family being here, the great number of people who have come to know the Lord and come to join (or rejoin) the church, the many guests, the progress in so many areas of ministry, the regular touch of the Holy Spirit when we gather together, our needs are met in abundance… I am deeply humbled and amazed. Lord, forgive me for not dwelling on the things You have done and are doing – great and small. 
